This section holds miscellaneous one-offs and blurbs I couldn't find a better place to organize on this site. I might throw in a few opinions now and then, too. I originally called this page "Blog," but decided against it since these don't follow any recognizable theme and won't be written at any regular interval. I'm also not under the delusion that any one person does or should be regularly concerned with everything I publish. The upshot is that all these posts describe things that are/were important/useful to me; I'm not writing anything just for the sake of continuous output. Unless otherwise noted, the majority of my writings won't include many (or any) references. This is intentional, because I'm jotting down my own thoughts on a subject-- whether or not the thoughts are novel-- and do not want to be overly biased by someone else's line of reasoning or conclusions.
[updated sporadically]: Cool websites, useful websites, and internet tricks
2025-02-22: Don't try to invent with Davison!
2025-02-21: The best file recovery software I found
2024-12-26: Human trafficking is much more prevalent than I realized
2024-12-21: This is how to get the free, hidden, JungleScout account
2024-12-19: Bug on Western Union: "The money transfer is on hold"
2024-12-01: How to see the ads shown to me on Facebook or Instagram
2024-11-13: My favorite exercise routine to date
2024-11-13: My email alias broke! It was set up fine until Squarespace took over...
2024-11-12: Stop Gmail from sending good emails to spam
2024-09-30: Is the adjective of a compound proper noun still an adjective?
2024-09-30: On Amazon, "Reviews" aren't the same as "Feedback"
2024-09-24: Amazon FBA Outlet Deals, part 1
2024-02-14: How to copy URLs from multiple tabs simultaneously
2024-01-18: Monetary value as a function of artisan skill level
2024-01-17: Fortune cookie reflections, part 1
2023-11-28: Why is my Amazon FBA product listing suppressed in search?
2023-11-26: Giant Little Debbie Christmas tree cake decoration
2023-11-25: Tarot probably isn't what you think
2023-11-01: Etsy "Ad goals" don't do anything. -- Etsy
2023-10-21: Open letter to Delta, American, Southwest, and United Airlines: Stop Doing it Wrong
2023-10-19: How I pursue several projects simultaneously
2023-09-25: Remove false virus notifications from Apple OSX
2023-07-30: Interpreting baby noises
2023-07-28: Deeper review of Babywise
2023-07-20: My first three baby discoveries
2022-12-04: Fluff post (do not read!)
2022-12-03: Curiosity killed the cat
2022-05-31: What is religion? Part I: Introduction
2022-04-28: Modified oatmeal breakfast pastry recipe
2022-03-31: Unrealized Losses
2022-01-26: Most useful advice my Ph.D. advisor gave me